Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Swollen Feet Causes More Condition_symptoms

Back of arrogance on the catwalks, revisited in every possible form, fabric and color.
In fact, never been gone, just passing moments in which they are relegated to roles of office if they were a little boring, and other times they take their proper, imaginative revenge.
I always feel a little "too dressy" when I wear a suit. I do not happen only if the issue is complete in classic black and happens to me ... even if it is super colorful, denim a printed fabric.
So, every so often, I wear one with all the nonchalance I can find that morning, some accessories to go out and play down for the day!

Imperfect ITALIANO MY TRANSLATION ... smile!
Come out again on the catwalks, restyled in Every possible shape, color and fabric.
Really They never go down, Simply have some moments in Which They are exiled to office roles,
As They are boring, and Some Other moments in Which They take revenge Their right.
I Always Have the sensation to be "too much elegant" when I wear a suit. Not only if it's a black and classic suti...but also if it's super coloured, in denim, with fantasy pattern.
So, sometimes, I wear one suit with all the "nonchalance" that I can find that morning, some accessory to minimize and I go out to face the day!


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