Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Power Rangers Fanfiction Books

1889 Las albondigas (Spanish for meatballs or MT-Challenge)

From Sweden to Spain to Italy via a single meatball!!

or I do not like meat very much and maybe the only way to eat them is to make the meat balls, meatballs, but not simple but ... Las Albondi gas ie meatballs featuring the famous English tapas, their characteristic is that they are smaller than the homegrown and meatballs are always served with the sauce, in short, the Our meatballs in tomato sauce that my mom always did and then sometimes it was even smaller for spaghetti ... and you have never eaten spaghetti with meatballs in tomato sauce?? For me it's a childhood memory the fact is that my mom is a practical, be that to keep up with five children must inevitably be practical and try to make things simple here this was a dish that puts us all in agreement, then growing and I discovered that traveling around the world over the balls of my mother can do even the Spaniards (which are considered our cousins \u200b\u200band in fact have the same interests), except that they call them "albondigas" and we "meatballs" but eventually "the whole world is a place "!!!! So reminiscent of a trip made in Tarifa (a wonderful place) in southern Spain last year, reminding one of the many evenings spent eating tapas I remembered them

LAS albondigas (ie English meatballs)

300g minced beef
1 egg
stale bread qb
1 clove garlic
1 bunch of parsley
breadcrumbs qb
For the seasoning sauce :

1 onion
tomato pulp
extra virgin olive oil

In a glass bowl, mix the meat with the bread (made first soaked in milk and squeezed ), egg, chopped parsley with the garlic, paprika, salt. If the dough is too soft add a few handfuls of
breadcrumbs until the mixture is dense enough to
able to get some balls. Shape into balls and roll in flour poured into a pot. Heat oil and fry the meatballs , a few at a time, until golden. Drain on paper towels .
For the sauce: finely chop the onion, soak it in focus down with a drizzle of olive oil until it is soft,
aggiungere poi la polpa di pomodoro,  sale e pepe e lasciar cuocere a fuoco basso finché la salsa  si addensi. Infine, aggiungere le polpette nella padella con la  salsa, mescolare e farle scaldare per qualche minuto prima di  servire. 

e anche questo mese ce l'ho fatta a partecipare a MT-Challenge  di Febbraio


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