Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Church Welcome Letter

My Blogcompleanno 1, and a spicy contest!!

Monday, February 7 E 'WAS MY BLOGCOMPLEANNO!!

Seized by course on honey, from photos taken by post and more I just forgot that Monday was the birthday of my blogghino, all of this space where my 1 year in this part I will tell you the recipes that I cook and photographer to my house.
happy as a little girl with her new Barbie in hand I want to celebrate with you dear friends who follow me and how to celebrate than with a contest??
Yes I said ... aiutoooooo !!!!!!!!!!!
Heck, even one year ago I knew what she meant by the word "contest"! So many things I learned this year (and not only in cooking), but a special thank you to our readers and my friends yes because if the blogs grew only thanks to you who have decided to follow him.
And I want to reward with this contest!
E 'was really difficult to choose the topic, this time in the blogosphere is full of them, did not want to be trivial and I was about to abandon the idea when I came on a light bulb and ... Eureka !!!!!!
But some (I thought) "because my name is" verdecardamomo? "By name, by whom (ie who is the blog): Cardamom is the spice that haunted me aha, yes, here is a spice ... so the argument is the spice ... Yes, but the spices as the title is not attractive ... then the mind goes to a book I read a while ago .. and voila! as if by magic comes
the title of the contest

"magic with spices"

So you say you love? What is your favorite spice? What we must not miss in your kitchen? Parlatemene, tell me why and what dish is speciale grazie a questa spezia, date sfogo a tutta la vostra fantasia dal dolce al salato, dall'antipasto al dessert.

Queste le regole per partecipare:

Cosa dovete fare per partecipare?    dovete realizzare il piatto con la spezia che più amate in cucina, che sia un dolce , un primo un secondo un dessert, raccontatemi perchè avete scelto questa spezia.
Chi vincerà?   Vincerà chi avrà realizzato il  più bel post con la più bella ricetta e la foto più bella ..
Unico giudice . .. io in persona.
Cosa si vince? ... ..... un pacco di spezie da tutto il mondo !!!!
The Regulation :

a) The contest starts today and ends on March 9 April! (I moved the date so you have more time)
2) Who has a blog must post the recipe complete with photos, initiative to enter the photo at the bottom of the post, and link to home page this post. It must also leave the link to the recipe as a comment on this post.
3) Who has a blog to send e-mail the recipe with the photo at
4) You can participate with only one prescription to be ... just your favorite dish with your favorite spice!
5) Do not apply recipes already posted
6) Become my supporters (if you want!)

I said it all then ... I just to invite all to participate and spread the word ... and may the best win!


1. Coffee with cinnamon of " Cooks at home"
2. the Chicken Madras basmati rice of "Butter and Honey"
3. Bread with zucchini and curry of ... " A Whole Kitchen "
4. Cakes spicy of "The Housewife Canterina"
6. African Rub (the side of the indomitable meatball). of Bracket Culinary


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