Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Fredericton Auction Cars

couple of aces!

Honda NS500 Freddie Spencer and three cylinders. This is a formidable pairing of the symbols of the competitions in the early eighties. The pilot of Louisiana, at the time a real "baby phenomenon," as no one else knew how to interpret the motorcycle produced by the house in Tokyo. The plans of the leadership of Japan, which in 1982 engaged the incumbent World Champion Marco Lucchinelli, the young driver would have been the U.S. 'second drive, taking advantage of the most experienced Italian driver fielded by the world champion in 1981. Freddie was able to understand instead of all this bike whose peculiarities were maximum agility and maneuverability at the expense of maximum power. Spencer taught himself to "glean" a lot of curves, slowing and braking quickly and straightening the bike folds to open the throttle when the others were still in the fold with their bikes and "gas bald." In an interview, the reporter who asked a question about his driving style, he replied: "By this bike not necessary check the speed-distance curve, if I did Kenny (Roberts ed) out of the corners I "bare" every time (Kenny Roberts was driving a Yamaha four-cylinder Honda's less maneuverable, but much more powerful .. ed.) I have to be folded and then closed the gas as quickly as possible, straighten the bike faster and open up soon, much earlier than everyone else .. Only in this way I can build a lead in the first meters of the straight then that proves crucial at the end of the same, when the motion opposing recuparano lost ground, pulling out all their cavalry .. . "His tactic worked beautifully, so much so that after 1982 passed to" tune "it to perfection la moto, nel 1983 ottenne il titolo iridato. Spencer fu il primo pilota a "regalare" alla Honda l'affermazione nella Classe Regina, obiettivo che neppure Mike Hailwood aveva raggiunto! Tra Freddie Spencer questa motocicletta l'amore fu veramente grande, tanto che, nel 1984 quando la Honda la sostituì con la più potente NSR 500 a quattro cilindri (che nella sua prima versione non venne mai troppo amata dal pilota della Louisiana), in alcune corse, per la disperazione dei tecnici HRC, Freddie volle gareggiare con la "vecchia" ma affidabile NS. La NS è di fatto la prima moto vera e propria interamente costruita dalla HRC. Dopo il fiasco della NR quattro tempi a pistoni ovali, con la quale la Honda peccò di presunzione, a Tokyo capirono che it was necessary to run for cover and first create a facility dedicated entirely to racing. The NS then arose from a project that was considered a "reserve" than that of NR. Its engine, at least in the early stages was given to the area used for the development of engines for Motocross. On this basis, the Japanese engineers in a short time built a winning bike! The NS has a two-stroke engine three-cylinder, liquid cooled. The V between the cylinders is 112 °, the admission is laminated. The alessagio for stroke is equal to 62.6 x54mm for a displacement of 498.6 cc. This unit is capable of developing a maximum output of 127 hp at 11,000 rpm and a torque of 8.54 kgm at the same rpm. In terms of cycling the NS has a double-cradle frame closed square tubes of aluminum (in the early stages of development of the motorcycle was the same in round pipes instead of steel), a Pro-Link rear suspension and a Front fork stanchions Sowha normal. The wheels are 18 in the rear (160/60) and 16 front (120/60) as dictating the "fashion" during the period. Compared to the competition, the bike is no factual basis for maximum power, but its weight, contained in just 113 kg, makes it no less than the most agile and easy to handle the lot! The goodness of the NS project was put even more emphasis on the fact that the HRC began production in a similar model, called RS500R. Questa moto fu messa in vendita, a disposizione dei piloti privati. La RS si dimostrò essere una "moto clienti" veramente competitiva e i suoi possessori ottennero risultati lusinghieri. Un esemplare di RS, si vide prendere parte ai GP addirittura sino al 1991, a condurla in gara fino a quell'anno fu il pilota italiano Marco Papa.
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