Sunday, February 20, 2011

D2nt How To Get It To Keep Making Games

are you sure?

Play down is one of the words I use most often when I talk about clothes.
it because, ever since a young girl, when I had to choose what to wear to go to a party, a movie theater, a stroll downtown, a trip, one of my fears was to be "too dressy". Removed his jeans and a sweater all the rest was "too much".
I do not know why, but this doubt has accompanied me all the way here, making also found in situations where, for fear of being too smart, I was too short!
By the time the doubt is slowly dissolved, even though sometimes I feel there hidden in a corner, hidden ...
So the watchword is less dramatic
Mixing elegant fabrics with fabrics that are not at all dampen the elegance of black with a splash of color or a dress with a pair of shoes, clothes that combine seemingly are meant to be together.
Looking at the parades in the course I found very beautiful ideas.
that now is the time to really play down?

Imperfect ITALIANO MY TRANSLATION ... smile!
Minimize is my favorite word When I speak about clothes.
Maybe because when I was very young I often had the fear to be "too much elegant" when I went to a party, to walk or simply to cinema. Except denim and a big sweater, all the rest was "too much".
I don't know why but this feeling walk with me every day and in some situation the result was that I wasn't elegant and the other people was elegant!
During the years, very slowly, this doubt go away but sometimes I feel it, latent..
So the important word is MINIMIZE.
To mix elegant fabric to casual fabric, go down the polish of black with some coloured details or an evening dress with slow heels shoes, match together clothes borned to be separated.
Looking this catwalks I saw very beautiful things.
Is it time to minimize??


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