Monday, February 7, 2011

Funny Baby Arrival Speeches

frequent readers

my readers (and my readers) usual ......... you started to supply a large portfolio ?
Every day we are more and more we are inundated with credit cards, cash, gym membership card, membership card at the supermarket, the library of our favorite clothing store, the various airlines, Nespresso, perfume, the electronics store and now the UK!

The portfolio "normal" are not enough ... and the designers if they are made We account for drawing ever-larger models, with features more suited to these times, our new needs, new to our desires.
I finally I bought one just dedicated to all my cards!
Platt, of the skin, where the pieces are all lined up, ready to use!

Imperfect ITALIANO MY TRANSLATION ... smile!
Dear my frequent readers ... do you have a big wallet?
Every day we are submerged of credit cards, cash, gym card, supermarket cards, bookshop card, card of Our favorite clothes shop, of Every airline, of Nespresso, of the perfumery, of electronic shop and now also of the pharmacy!
The "normal" wallet are not enough...designers are making for us new styles...bigger, with functionality right for this years, for our new necessity, for our new desire.
I have bought one only for all my cards!
Flat, in leather, where all my cards are lined, ready to be used!


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