Monday, January 24, 2011

Temazepam Eggs For Sale

playing with size and Proportion

Pied-de-poule. Brings us back to the past, with images of elegant women, to walk on the promenade sea when the river was a pearl and go was really chic, samples of men of gallantry, a romantic courtship, carried by hand to handbags, to hats and gloves , with elegant vintage cars to dancing in which women could be seen reaching out of a knight in the hopeful gesture to invite them to dance.

Playing with this release that can not be more classic, with dimensions different from each other, great for jackets (made by me!) And small for her skirt. Play le proporzioni e le figure trasformate da angolazioni sbagliate.
Giocare con i colori. Bianco, nero e rosso...intramontabili.

Pied-de-poule. It get us back to the past, to elegant women images, to walk on the sea when "riviera" was a pearl and go there was very chic, to men champions of gallantry, to romantic courting, to hand-held bag, to cap and gloves, to elegant vintage cars, to dancing evening in which women see the man hands invite them to dance.
Play, with this very classic pattern, with different sizes, big for the jacket (made by me!) and small for the skirt. Play with proportion and shape changes from wrong angle.
Play with colours. White, black and red...timeless.


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