Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Register Boat Ontario

just opened yesterday morning gli occhi ho recuperato tutte le mie energie (poche a dir la verità) e mi sono trascinata fino al medico di famiglia (non molto lontano da casa per fortuna). Si può aver fiducia in un dottore che si presenta in ambulatorio e davanti ai suoi pazienti con una pomata sul naso dove aveva una specie di foruncolo? Non mi è mai piaciuto questo medico, e a dir la verità non ho mai veramente avuto bisogno ..finora!!!! perchè questo virus influenzale è veramente duro a morire. Decido allora che è arrivato il momento di passare alle maniere forti e di  combatterlo su tutti i fronti ....caro virus non avrai il mio scalpo!!!! Finora ho usato ogni arma a disposizione: sciroppo, aerosol, antibiotico, tachipirina, colluttorio the throat, honey galore ... the visit to the doctor reveals himself tells me pretty much useless " against the flu virus can not do anything to take their first vaccine "..." ugly idiot if I knew I would have done! !! " and then "the antibiotic is useless in these cases" but I had told my husband ( doctor he too) so what should I do? "We can not do anything " says the guy with the cream on the nose .. so I think the only way to combat it is to increase the immune system .. so fighting them from the natural point of view. A brief consultation with my friends beekeepers and I recommend them royal jelly and pollen (from agriculture ops beekeeping bio .. of course) , and then a lot of vitamin C, and then where to find it but not in citrus fruits?? Then orange juice and lemon-gogo but not only, I also thought of including citrus fruits in a beautiful white meat main course of some protein and two types of citrus .. virus and voila ... I warn you or you go alone or you chased me away!


300/400 g slices of chicken breast

1 orange 1 lemon (or lime)
100 grams of kumquat ( Mandarin Chinese) in my tank
mother a glass of wine white (or if you prefer you can use an orange liqueur like Cointreau)
little sugar to taste flour

extra virgin olive oil salt and pepper
rosemary (fresh is better if you )

Flour the slices chicken. Wash the kumquats with running water and cut into slices thick, remove the seeds. Squeeze the orange and lemon, then strain the juice, chopped rosemary needles and set aside.
In a pan heat a little oil do evo, add the fillets, chicken pieces and brown on high heat for 2 minutes. Add the wine or liquor and let it evaporate. Reduce heat, wet chicken with citrus juice and add a teaspoon of sugar. Cover and cook for about 8 minutes. Remove the lid, turn the slices of chicken with salt and add the kumquats and cook for another 5 minutes. Cut the slices into pieces sprinkled with freshly ground pepper and rosemary.

The recipe is loosely based on "The Best of Salt and pepper"
also because I thought I used citrus to participate in the contest of Cynthia The cookbook devoted to their own


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