Thursday, January 27, 2011

Last Number Master Lock

cream of kohlrabi ... to put down roots

If I say the word "Roots" what comes to mind? I try to ask my husband and he says now "the movie Roots"! Well it was not exactly what I wanted but I will answer me because I come from the classic that will ultimamaente I went to visit the Galleria Borghese in Rome (which I had not done in 38 years!) I thought a sculpture I was most struck Apollo and Daphne: I was speechless watching the perfection with which Bernini reproduces the transformation of Daphne into a tree. You know the story true? Are not you the short story (I love the mythology in school)
Daphne was a nymph who lived free and happy, running in the woods, seeing it run, in fact, the god Apollo fell in love and wanted to make it at all costs so the chase and just when he was in the nymph asks for help to possess "land, wide open, Help me, save me. " "Now a torpor invades his limbs, the chest is closed in a soft, thin bark, her hair can take up to becoming leaves, her arms branches, her feet turned into roots inert". Daphne becomes a laurel tree, the plant since then sacred to the god. In this case, the roots are the salvation of Daphne. But the roots may be something more and different. Can be understood as stability, membership of a place, to their land, their origins, the safety of the loyalty of his own man or woman, the sense of economic security, a sense of belonging to a family.
But I feel like I have no roots in the sense that I feel I belong to no place, no land if not the planet Earth on which we all live, but being a rider I feel very citizen of the world. and you where you put your roots?
said this past instead of the contest Labna who speaks of " put down roots" in the culinary sense but then I thought of a typical product this period, which is often found in the markets: the kohlrabi. What is Kohlrabi? What you see in the photo above is' the root of turnip top, and is most common in Lazio, Campania and Puglia. It has a rounded shape and comes in white with purple streaks.

cream of kohlrabi cumin

Serves 2

300 g kohlrabi
1 shallot
extra virgin olive oil 1 potato
cumin seeds
parsley for garnish salt
cleaned cabbage celeriac and cut into chunks, peel the potato and cut it into pieces. Peel an onion slice and sauté for 7-8 minutes in a pan with olive oil on low flame. Add the kohlrabi and potato and fry it go for 5 minutes, then baste with stock and bring to a boil. salt and cook for 20 minutes. Blend all the ingredients if it is too soupy cook covered container until it reaches the desired thickness. Spread the cream into individual bowls, garnish with parsley and cumin seeds

This recipe is in the contest


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