Thursday, January 13, 2011

Tattoo Number Generators

Cream cowpea herb de Provence Donut

I wanted first of all thank you for the affection you have shown me in your previous comments and tell you that the surgery went well even though my mother-in-law is still under morphine, but at least we breathed a sigh of relief as it was quite delicate intestinal surgery (lasted 5 hours) and we were all aimed primarily my husband that being an only child can imagine how he felt.
But back to us wanted to do something sweet but just do not have time so I leave you this hot cream cowpeas that it were still in the pantry.


100 grams of dried black-eyed beans 1 clove
garlic 1 shallot 1 bay leaf
herbs de Provence to taste
extra virgin olive oil salt and pepper

soak beans in cold water for 8 hours with a pinch of baking soda, then cook in a pressure cooker for about 50 minutes with a bay leaf and 3 cups water fredda. In una casseruola fate rosolare l'aglio schiacciato e lo scalogno tritato finemente, unite i fagioli lessati e un pò di acqua di cottura regolate di sale  e pepe e frullate il tutto. Versate in ciotoline individuali e cospargete la crema con abbondante erbe di Provenza ( se non le avete potete usare tranquillamente un mix di rosmarino, salvia, timo, maggiorana tritati finemente) e un filo di olio evo. Accompagnate la vostra crema con crostini di pane tostato.

Questa ricettina partecipa al Calendario 2011 di Ammodomio

 e per ringraziarvi vi lascio qualche foto scatta con il mio nuovo toy (hubby's Christmas gift) of this beautiful amaryllis that just this morning opened its buds .... a hymn to life that is born .. and it's already spring !!???


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