Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dirt Bike Birthday Plates

wake up! it's thursday

Ok ... a silk dressing gown by Dolce & Gabbana is always a silk dressing gown by Dolce & Gabbana.
But let's face it, it changes depending on the wearer.
key issue is that of silk. I prefer it plain. I really like the robe worn by men by a woman.
Io non la uso, รจ proprio una questione di abitudine. Ma mi piace, molto, pur essendo un capo difficile da scegliere e da comprare. Troppo facile cadere nell'effetto "vicina di casa rompiscatole" con la vestaglia di spugna a fiori!

ok...a Dolce & Gabbana night-gown is always a Dolce & Gabbana night-gown.
But, we have to admit, it change depending on who worn it.
It must be in silk. I prefere it in plain colour. I love a man night-gown worn from a woman.
I'm not in the habit to use it. I love the night-gown, very much, but for me it's difficult to choose and to buy. It's easy to fall in the effect "bother next-door neightbor" withe the night-grown made in flower terry!


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