Saturday, July 31, 2010

How To Setup D2nt Bot

Ascent Rocciamelone m 3538 - Susa - Susa Valley - (Piedmont)

Data escursione: 31 Luglio 2010
Quota partenza (m.): 2.100
Quota arrivo (m.) : 3.538
Dislivello complessivo (m.): 1.438
Durata : 2h 16m (tempo medio 3h00m/3h30m)
Difficoltà : EE (Escursionisti Esperti)
Esposizione: Sud
Località partenza : Inizio teleferica per Cà d'Asti (poco prima del Rif.La Riposa) - Mompantero - Valle di Susa (Piemonte)
Partecipanti: Io & Fiorita

Per continuare l'allenamento alla quota non potevo farmi mancare la vetta più alta della Valle di Susa, which then is also the closest to home.
Here I am, therefore, that I agree with flowers (she must train at sea level) to climb to Rocciamelone. First
leave you some background:
This mountain is famous since the Middle Ages when it was considered the highest peak in the Alps this conviction, we now know that the wrong was supported by several factors: the mountain looming over it with a leap Susa exceeding three thousand meters and was also visible from the busy Via Francigena, which led across the Alps by the Mont Cenis Pass, revealing even the most casual traveler in a time when large areas were virtually unexplored mountain. In the Middle Ages there were
several attempts to climb to the summit, including one by the monks of the abbey Novalesa that we read in the annals of the Abbey, are rejected by wind and hail. The first documented climb back to a settembre1.358 by the crusader Bonifacio Rotario d'Asti, captured by the Turks during the Crusades, relies on Madonna promised, when he returned home, to dedicate a statue to the top of the first mountain had seen back on native soil. Then assisted by some carriers, reached the summit carrying a bronze triptych dedicated precisely to the Virgin, now housed in the cathedral at Susa. For now finds himself at the top of the highest in Europe Shrine dedicated to Our Lady of Rocciamelone , a bronze statue of the Madonna and always a camp called Refuge Santa Maria, from about 15 places for emergencies. There is also a bust of King Vittorio Emanuele II, who had made their ascent to Rocciamelone in 1838 when, at the time was still only Prince of Sardinia.

But let us and our ascension.
arrive at 8.30 am and parked the car near the start of the cable car to the Refuge d'Asti Ca (about 1 km before the Refuge The Rest). There are already several cars and other walkers as we are preparing to leave.
At 8:45 we journey on the path that climbs steeply and immediately evident until on top of the hill on the coast just above the hut The Rest. For those who want here is a fountain where you can supply water.
continue to rise for the apparent path that does not budge, but rises more steeply for Pratoni up to a junction between "Short" and "Long". We follow the left is clear that the Court must also be short to be steep but without the problems we face and soon we view the imposing shelter Cà d'Asti share in 2854. Perfect it took us only 1h 20 '.

We stopped about 25m to "fulfill physiological needs, munching a bar and drink a sip of water and put a heavier mesh because the chilly wind begins to make itself more this installment.

then allocate just behind the hut in the direction of the peak hours is clearly visible to the typical pyramid foma. Now the path is steep on stony ground and we are already well above the peaks around us so that in the distance already peeps Stone King (Mount Viso) and bursts through the clouds. After a while here we get to the Iron Cross 3.306m.

Perfect ... we are in good shape. Not at all hungry, the fee does not create any problem and then climb the remaining 232m back to the top missing.

From here begins the stretch a little more challenging and then equipped with fixed ropes per chi ne avesse bisogno che con una ripida salita ed alcune svolte ci porta fino alla vetta.

Eccoci qui...sono le 11.25 e siamo già in vetta. Ci abbiamo messo 2h 40' che togliendo i 24' di sosta fanno 2h 16' per salire i più di 1.400m di dislivello...non male...possiamo essere soddisfatti.

Dalla vetta il panorama è impagabile e spazia a 360° dalle valli del Cuneese dominate dal Monviso, alle valli Olimpiche con lo Chaberton, alla Francia con i ghiacciai della Barre des Ecrin, alla Valle d'Aosta con il Monte Bianco, il Dente del Gigante e la Grandes Jorasse per continuare con il Gran Paradiso, il Cervino e il Monte Rosa, fino a chiudere con la Pianura Padana con Torino e l'inizio della Valle di Susa con la Sacra di San Michele.

Qui vediamo il Dente del Gigante (a sx) con la sua particolare forma appunto a dente scuro perchè senza neve.

Approfittiamo dell'apertura del Santuario per una preghiera di ringraziamento per essere arrivati fin quassù, una firma al registro di vetta e poi possiamo goderci il sole, il panorama e uno spuntino.

Pian piano le nuvole cominciano ad addensarsi ai nostri piedi e in poco ci ritroviamo isolati dal mondo...siamo noi soli sopra le nuvole.
Nostri compagni sono il sole, le montagne, le cime innevate, i ghiacciai e un carpet of clouds that makes us feel small. Little Men in the sight of the wonders that only nature can create.

The dream did not last long, the voices of other hikers us back down to earth.
I'll never understand how one can be in contact with so beautiful 'instead of starting, and pause to enjoy it in full, to fill your eyes and heart to keep the lasting impression, you lose to mention the more mundane topics like had at the bar and more loudly.

We stop at the top enough. Only around 14:30 we decided to go down. By now the clouds have completely closed the view of the valley and descending vediamo che si sono attestate a quota 2.850 ovvero all'altezza del Rifugio Cà d'Asti.

Da qui in giù infatti viaggiamo immersi nelle nuvole a tratti decisamente dense e ciò rende il percorso molto affascinate ma la dice lunga sul fatto che in montagna bisogna andare sempre attrezzati per ogni evenienza visto che il tempo cambia velocemente soprattutto alla alte quote.

Le nuvole ci accompagnano fino a quota 2.100 ovvero all'auto.
E' stata una giornata fantastica, quasi non siamo stanchi o meglio siamo talmente pieni di forti emozioni, di immagini mozzafiato che non sentiamo i muscoli duri, i piedi stanchi e la pelle arrossata dal sole.

Un trekker che si rispetti non può not be increased at least once a Rocciamelone.
Mine was the second time but I promised myself to come back every year and I suggest you do the same.

If any of you would like to try the experience of staying on top once let me know that we are organized.

Good mountain to all

Monday, July 26, 2010

For Sale Used Go Cart Frame Only

Refuge Monzino m2.590 - Chatelet - Val Veny - (Valle d'Aosta)

Date range: July 26, 2010
Departure altitude (m): 1589
Arrival altitude (m) : 2590
height difference (m):
1001 Length: 2h 20m (signpost 2h 45m)
Difficulty: EEA (Walkers experts with equipment)
Exposure: South
departure Location: Freney - Val Veny (Valle d'Aosta, Aosta)
Participants: I & Gianluca

Here we go again for the last tour before the summer holiday .. .. and why the party Friday Gianluca BORNEO (lucky him!) while I still have a week of work then two weeks at sea.
At sea you say? Oh yes, I can not always win, and then the mountain throughout the year but in summer Silvia satisfied that prefer the sea .... if not more because at least they do not always walk up to swim ...!

However for now the goal is the choice Refuge Monzino situato sul costone del Chatelet in Val Veny che si erge tra i tormentati ghiacciai del Brouillard e del Freney a loro volta circondati dallo splendido e severo anfiteatro costituito dall’ Aiguille Noire, dalla Cresta di Peuterey, dagli enormi pilastri del Monte Bianco e delle creste dell’ Innominata e del Brouillard.

Ci troviamo quindi quindi alle 7.30 a Morgex e dopo l'immancabile cappuccio e cornetto ci dirigiamo verso Courmayeur e poi a sx per entrare nella Val Veny.
Già solo il fatto di essere al cospetto del massiccio del Monte Bianco fa una certa impressione e scatena una grande emozione.

Arrivati nei pressi della area pic-nic di Freney lasciamo l'auto e dopo aver caricato zaini, imbrago, helmet and lanyard we leave.
The refuge is already visible from the parking area perched on the ridge of the Chatelet. We follow the farm road
initially and after the second bridge on the left follow the path that initially 16 rooms in a larch forest, and then exits through the moraine of the glacier Freney with some jumpers and then goes for lawns up against the first jump equipped with rock climbing path.

Here harness, lanyard and wear a helmet and start to climb the easy stretch equipped. Indeed
other people go without equipment also because it is understood that the equipment is not used for climbing up more easily but serves as a safety in caso di caduta evitando di volare di sotto...quindi visto che in montagna la sicurezza non è mai troppa preferiamo procedere assicurati...gli altri facciano come vogliono.

Dopo il primo tratto di ferrata si procede su ripido sentiero con brevi zig zag che non danno mai tregua fino al secondo salto di roccia. Abbiamo la fortuna di osservare da vicino una famigliola di giovani stambecchi che tranquillamente pascola sui ripidi pendii.

Attacchiamo quindi il secondo tratto di ferrata scegliendo la vai gialla (sx) che presenta molto meno gradini rispetto alla rossa (dx) praticamente una scala verticale.
Ad essere onesti Gianluca si era fatto attirare dall'altra via più facile ma visto che We came here at least have fun ... and then the red'll make the return ... promise!

At the end of this last stretch we come on top of the ridge in a saddle between the refuge and the right to a beautiful summit of the Aiguille Chatelet on the left.

pratone Going in the direction of the upcoming retreat you can enjoy the spectacular view of Glacier Broillard left and Freney Glacier on the right.

arrived at the shelter are friendly and nice to us than that which manages refreshed with a good hot soup, prepared by the cook Nepalese us ha anche dato preziose informazioni sul meteo dei prossimi giorni nonchè indicazioni sulle possibili escursioni ed ascensioni che appuntiamo sulla nostra "agenda dei desideri". Il tutto, e non è poco, a prezzi equi soprattutto se consideriamo che anche qui gli approviggionamenti arrivano solo via elicottero.

Sarà ma in questo periodo che frequentiamo i vari rifugi della Valle d'Aosta troviamo sempre ottimi gestori. Preparati, cordiali, propensi al dialogo e soprattutto onestissimi...dovremmo mandare a far un corso alcuni gestori delle nostre parti che forse non hanno ancora capito cosa voglia dire il termine "RIFUGIO"

Una piccola particolarità...questo rifugio è per veri alpinisti e lo si vede anche nei dettagli...persino to go to the bathroom there are nails fixed to make sure.

The climb complicates the effort we made in short pants and a shirt but now that we're still coming, and disturbance at times obscures the sky, the temperature begins to be felt and we have to cover.
refreshed and warmed by the warmth of the hut, at about 13:00 we continue the descent.
On the steps of climbing down the paths where we can choose more steps. Disarrampicare a trail is not so natural as I will never climb it in two hours but we are back to the car.

greet the beautiful Val Veny and as we leave behind our thoughts are White Giant already the next time we return to His presence.

Good mountain to all

Sunday, July 25, 2010

"Wise is he who is content of the show in the world."

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Brazilian Wax In Memphis Tn

Refuge Nacamuli m2.828 - Valpelline - Bionaz (Valle d'Aosta)

hike Date: July 14, 2010
Departure altitude (m): 1970
Arrival altitude (m) : 2828
Difference Total (m): 858
Durata : 2h 30m (cartello indicatore 3h 30m)
Difficoltà : EE
Esposizione: Sud
Località partenza : Diga di Place Moulin - Bionazz - Valpelline (Aosta-Valle d'Aosta)
Partecipanti: Io & Gianluca

Oggi siamo alla scoperta di questa remota valle ovvero la Valpelline. Avevo conosciuto questa valle lo scorso autunno quando presi un deplian di Bionaz al salone della montagna di Torino e visto che i presupposti erano buoni eccoci qui.
Meta di oggi il Rifugio Nacamuli. Le guide ed anche il cartello indicatore danno 3h 30m di percorrenza per salile i circa 900m di dislivello.

Lasciata quindi l'auto nel parcheggio in prossimità della diga del Lago di Place Moulin imbocchiamo la strada poderale che costeggia il lago e dopo meno di 5 minuti si imbocca il sentiero che sale a sx in direzione Col Collon.
Dopo essere saliti di circa 100m sopra il livello del lago, il sentiero procede in falso piano quasi fino alla fine del lago stesso.

Giunti ad un bivio che scende a dx al Rifugio Prayer, si prende a sx in salita sempre in direzione Col Collon entrando nella Comba d'Oren dove c'è un alpeggio (2161m). Da qui si procede in moderata pendenza nella piacevole valle solcata da un torrente.

Poi il sentiero comincia a salire più ripido su pietraia sul lato sx orografico del torrente (dx per chi sale) fino a giungere ad un piano che sembra essere chiuso tutto attorno da catene montuose. Qui il sentiero scorre a filo del torrente ed essendoci ancora il residuo di un nevaio bisogna salire su di esso (sotto è scavato dallo scorrere del torrente) e procedere con cautela.
Da qui si procede ancora in piano fino alla fine della valle e si prende a dx su tracce ben segnalate seguendo il torrente fino all'attacco di una zona attrezzata con corde fisse e gradini. Nulla di particolare se non fosse che essendo il ponticello sul torrente ancora sepolto dalla neve si deve guadare il torrente a valle di una piccola cascatella.

Il sentiero ora sale ripido su roccette e sfasciumi fino ad entrare nella conca del Col Collon ed in vista dei due rifugi ovvero il piccolo locale invernale (più in basso) e il rifugio Nacamuli vero e proprio più in alto.

Noi abbiamo raggiunto il rifugio in sole 2h 30' (contro le 3h 30' indicate dal cartello) e devo dire che il sentiero è stato davvero picevole perchè mixa molto bene zone ripide a zone meno impegnative che permettono anche di godersi con più tranquillità l'ambiente.
Da qui volendo si può raggiungere in circa 1 h 15' il Col Collon, che comunica con la Valle svizzera di Arolla attraverso l'omonimo ghiacciaio.

Mentre ci apprestiamo ad entrare nel rifugio veniamo sorpresi dal "fischio" di uno stambecco...ebbene si gli stambecchi fischiano quando si sentono in pericolo...anche se con quelle corna mi sarei dovuto sentire più in pericolo io di lui.

Entriamo quindi nell'accogliente rifugio dove ci godiamo un the caldo e uno spuntino prima del ritorno a valle.

E' stata la mia prima volta in questa valle ma potete scommetterci che non sarà l'ultima.

Buone montagne a tutti.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Physical Therapist Aide Cover Letter

Crossing Chabot Refuge - Refuge Vittorio Emanuele - Valsavarange-National Park Gran Paradiso (Valle d'Aosta) and Col

Data escursione: 10/11 Luglio 2010
Quota partenza (m.) : 1.834
Quota arrivo (m.): 2.750 Rif. Chabot - 2.735 Rif. Vittorio Emanuele
Dislivello complessivo (m.) : 916 salita allo Chabot - +250, -250 Crossing the Vittorio Emanuele
Length: 2h 30m climb to Chabot - Crossing 2h30m - 2h Descent Pont
Difficulty: E
Exposure: West
departure Location: Valsavarange loc. Praviex alt.1834 - Parco Nazionale del Gran Pardis (Valsavarange (Ao)-Valle d'Aosta)
Participants: I & Silvia, Gianluca & Laura

After much waiting we finally managed to fit a week- end to pass the banner of the mountain and nature with their wives.
Although we had to book an overnight stay at the beautiful Shelter Chabot already a month and the weather of recent days gave thunderstorms likely in two days, we spent a wonderful weekend without a single drop of rain.

We are at 8.30 in the parking lot of a small bridge and after breakfast, we leave a car for the return from Rifugio Vittorio Emanuele tomorrow (to avoid the 2 km of asphalt) and the other to bring us down Praviex where to park to the trail that climbs to No.5 Refuge Chabot.

At 9.00 o'clock we are traveling. The sign indicates 2h 45m trail to climb to the refuge.
The route begins beyond the wooden bridge over the river and salt Savara on a comfortable and pleasant path real (practically paved) in a cool and shady larch that with some long beams and a few bends takes us about 50min at an altitude of 2194m Lavassey pasture. Here
the pasture behind the fork is held to the right (marked 5) and shortly after you exit the forest.

From here the landscape becomes much more alpine. Low vegetation and various streams that descend from the glaciers above the Laveciau Montandayné the background and the Gran Paradiso.
The trail climbs the ridge with large cross Cote Savolère until you reach a junction on the right on the wooden bridge take the trail 1A (which will follow tomorrow for the trip to the refuge Vittorio Emanuele), while holding the left path rooms with two bends to shelter Chabot referred to below one can see the flags, antennas and signal lights.

The refuge is located in a spectacular location in full view of the Gran Paradiso with visible traces of the normal route of ascent on the ghiacchiaio Levaciau away and the spectacular north-west with the impressive 600m on ice slopes of 45 ° -50 °.
E 'very well maintained by trained staff, friendly, funny and very available.
's divided in a local summer over 4 floors. Local shoes and equipment, a plan with dining area and kitchen, a bedroom floor and top floor of a dormitory for about 84 beds and a second winter room with 33 other separate beds.

After lunch and taking a bit of sun, while the girls still take advantage of the beautiful views to relax, Gianluca and I decide to walk at least let us walk up the glacier and then climb towards the bivouac Sberna.
After about an hour we are at the beginning of the glacier and we enjoy an even more spectacular views of the Small and Gran Paradiso.
Meanwhile in the valley began to addensansi the expected and the storm clouds are beginning to hear the first thunder and see lightning first.
Prudent as always, without the usual photos, we decided to get off quickly and 30min. we are at the shelter.

We take the opportunity for a hot shower and refreshing and we butttiamo in his bunk in the dormitory in the meantime we have been given dall'abbaino, and enjoy the spectacle of the storm that breaks out on the Hill Nivolet. Here at the shelter a single drop. Only the black sky and strong wind. At about 18:00

usufruiamo go down and the small library of refuge for fantasizing about the various excursions and ascents to program. At 19.00 punctually serve simple but good dinner and then left the table for the second round as the hut is full of beautiful mountain climbers.

We go then to the beautiful square outside and enjoy the sight of a herd of wild goats that graze peacefully near the refuge. Let us know with two nice and preparatisimi climbers that tomorrow morning will be among the few (two of them plus two groups of 3) that will increase the North-West wall. With the help of binoculars that the manager of the refuge kindly lends him show us the way and the steps that will have to face and make us also see on the wall instead of North-East that a group of Germans will rise tomorrow, we are placed in camp out in tents on the glacier.
hear them excited about companies that have made us climb a uncontrollable desire to climb a 4,000, although of course the normal way and can easily.

I make a knot in the Gran Paradiso handkerchief ... I want to climb it.

At 22:00 we to bed even if we do not get up early. I find it hard to sleep, not so much for the share or living with 20 other people, but more to the thoughts that crowd the mind and the emotions that you must try to be on top of mountains so beautiful.

At 6:00 I get up, get down again and enjoy the view of herd of wild goats that takes advantage of the quietness of the tender shelter for grazing pastures.

shoot indefinitely or for shorter fights between the males and when they resume their climb higher in the meantime, reach out to others who have stood ready to prepare the pack, have breakfast and leave for the crossing that us expected today.

Meanwhile, always with the help of the binoculars of the shelter, I throw a look at three groups who are climbing the wall north-west and especially the two friends met last night.
In the photo above you can see the 8 dots (3 +3 +2) which are the three groups on the rise just above the big crevasses.

At 8:00 o'clock we are traveling. We wanted to anticipate a large and noisy group that will make our own voyage. If you really want to enjoy the mountains, its views and its quiet as a guest you can not walk in a procession of strikers.
fact we manage to capture many marmots come out to bask in the sun first

e di un camoschio che per circa 1 ora ci seguirà a distanza, forse lui stesso incuriosito di noi quanto noi di lui.

La traversata dal rifugio Chabot al Rifugio Vittorio Emanuele si sviluppa mediamente a mezza costa (essendo in due rifugi pressochè alla stessa quota) perdendo circa 250m di dislivello che vanno necessariamente riguadagnati. Per tutto il tragitto, fatto sull'evidente traccia del sentiero 1a, si ha una spettacolare vista sul Gran Paradiso e sulle numerose cordate che come tante formichine risalgono i suoi ghiacciai.

Dopo circa 2h 30m riaggiungiamo il rifugio Vittorio Emanuele con la sua caratteristica forma a capanna con il tetto rivestito in lamiera.
Ne approfittiamo di un'oretta di sosta per pranzare e per vedere i primi rientri dalla vetta ed i primi arrivi per chi salirà il giorno seguente. Sembra incredibile quanta gente salga queste vette ogni giorno.

Una foto di rito prima di rimetterci in cammino e partiamo per il rientro a Pont.

Il sentiero, decisamente tortuoso, sembra più ripido di quello effettuato in salita e molto meno riparato dal bosco che si incontra solo nell'ultimo tratto.
Arrivati al torrente di fondo valle ancora un breve tratto quasi pianeggiante lungo il suo corso, ci porta al parcheggio di Pont. Il tutto in circa 1h 30m dal Vittorio Emanuele.

What can I say ... it was a fantastic weekend. The weather helped us, the landscape is beautiful and fascinating view of the ibex, the warmth in the shelter was nice and we go home with many memories, images and feelings that keep us company in the hot days of work ahead of us. Good

mountains at all.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Pancreas Cancer In Dogs

Lake Miserin Fenetre - Parco del Mont Avic - Champorcher

hike Date: July 1, 2010
Departure altitude (m): 2100
Arrival altitude (m) : 2,822
height difference (m): 722
Duration: 2h 30m
Difficulty: EE
Exposure: South-East
Località partenza : Dondennaz - Parco del Mont Avic (Champorcher(Ao)-Valle d'Aosta)
Partecipanti: Io & Gianluca

In vista dei programmi estivi che mi sono messo in mente e dovendo allenarmi alla camminata e alla quota eccoci dopo una settimana di nuovo a riprovare la salita al Rifugio e Lago Miserin stavolta sapendo esattamente dove andare e con la ferma convinzione di seguire le indicazioni sentieristiche solo dopo averle controllate con la cartina.
Lasciamo quindi la macchina alla vecchia borgata di Dondennaz e saliamo in pochi minuti al rifugio Dondena.
Ecco la conferma che il cartello indicativo della scorsa settimana era sbagliato.
Ora è stato girato forse anche thanks to our report made alll'ufficio tourism.
(see the second sign from above now pointing to the first DX SX as the first and third)

Climb then to the right along the royal road leading to Col Fenetre which is also a step in the Alta Via No. 2, to the junction with the path that leads to the lake Miserin.
Here we take a left up a steep but perfectly restored path as was present at the time of the king who loved to frequent these mountains.

In short we arrive at an altitude of 2.580m on the plateau will find the beautiful and still partially frozen lake with the same name Miserin refuge and the sanctuary of Notre Dame de Neige, rebuilt in 1880 but the 1600 original.

After the classic picture rite resume the path towards Col Fenêtre.
From here the path to the hill is pretty much all still on track but well clear of snow and then proceed, always with due caution, but without any great difficulty to the hill.

only drawback of this valley is that both the Col Col Fenetre Ponton are littered with giant electricity pylons that cross the valleys of Cogne and Camporcher.

From the hill we have a splendid view of both valleys and on the refuge's Dream Berdzè about 30min down the hill in the valley of Cogne.

We enjoy the wonderful sun and take advantage for a quick snack before we see the clouds in the valley bottom from rising too fast.
After 30 minutes the storm begins to rise and in order not to stay on top with poor visibility we are going to fall.
After a few steps down, this time following the royal road, to make a circular route and avoid the snowfield that begins to give up at this hour, we hear over the noise of rocks being moved.
we raise our eyes and we are lucky to see a short distance (just over 20metri) three examples of large ibex.
We stop to observe and photograph them and we wonder how we are properties in look at them and at the same time one of them stands still looking at us while the others graze peacefully.

After this meeting we continue the exciting path down just in time before the clouds finally close the view of the hills and valleys.
After a few minutes the clouds, coming below them and proceed to the refuge Dondena where we stop for a cup of hot tea while we fix in our minds the good times of the excursion today.

E 'was a wonderful trek. A wonderful day in a beautiful valley and in isolation because we have not met a soul all day were it not for three goats, the marmots and the refugee numbers on our return. Good

mountains at all.