Data escursione: 10/11 Luglio 2010
Quota partenza (m.) : 1.834
Quota arrivo (m.): 2.750 Rif. Chabot - 2.735 Rif. Vittorio Emanuele
Dislivello complessivo (m.) : 916 salita allo Chabot - +250, -250 Crossing the Vittorio Emanuele
Length: 2h 30m climb to Chabot - Crossing 2h30m - 2h Descent Pont
Difficulty: E
Exposure: West
departure Location: Valsavarange loc. Praviex alt.1834 - Parco Nazionale del Gran Pardis (Valsavarange (Ao)-Valle d'Aosta)
Participants: I & Silvia, Gianluca & Laura
After much waiting we finally managed to fit a week- end to pass the banner of the mountain and nature with their wives.
Although we had to book an overnight stay at the beautiful Shelter Chabot already a month and the weather of recent days gave thunderstorms likely in two days, we spent a wonderful weekend without a single drop of rain.
We are at 8.30 in the parking lot of a small bridge and after breakfast, we leave a car for the return from Rifugio Vittorio Emanuele tomorrow (to avoid the 2 km of asphalt) and the other to bring us down Praviex where to park to the trail that climbs to No.5 Refuge Chabot.
At 9.00 o'clock we are traveling. The sign indicates 2h 45m trail to climb to the refuge.
The route begins beyond the wooden bridge over the river and salt Savara on a comfortable and pleasant path real (practically paved) in a cool and shady larch that with some long beams and a few bends takes us about 50min at an altitude of 2194m Lavassey pasture. Here
the pasture behind the fork is held to the right (marked 5) and shortly after you exit the forest.
From here the landscape becomes much more alpine. Low vegetation and various streams that descend from the glaciers above the Laveciau Montandayné the background and the Gran Paradiso.
The trail climbs the ridge with large cross Cote Savolère until you reach a junction on the right on the wooden bridge take the trail 1A (which will follow tomorrow for the trip to the refuge Vittorio Emanuele), while holding the left path rooms with two bends to shelter Chabot referred to below one can see the flags, antennas and signal lights.
The refuge is located in a spectacular location in full view of the Gran Paradiso with visible traces of the normal route of ascent on the ghiacchiaio Levaciau away and the spectacular north-west with the impressive 600m on ice slopes of 45 ° -50 °.
E 'very well maintained by trained staff, friendly, funny and very available.
's divided in a local summer over 4 floors. Local shoes and equipment, a plan with dining area and kitchen, a bedroom floor and top floor of a dormitory for about 84 beds and a second winter room with 33 other separate beds.
After lunch and taking a bit of sun, while the girls still take advantage of the beautiful views to relax, Gianluca and I decide to walk at least let us walk up the glacier and then climb towards the bivouac Sberna.
After about an hour we are at the beginning of the glacier and we enjoy an even more spectacular views of the Small and Gran Paradiso.
Meanwhile in the valley began to addensansi the expected and the storm clouds are beginning to hear the first thunder and see lightning first.
Prudent as always, without the usual photos, we decided to get off quickly and 30min. we are at the shelter.
We take the opportunity for a hot shower and refreshing and we butttiamo in his bunk in the dormitory in the meantime we have been given dall'abbaino, and enjoy the spectacle of the storm that breaks out on the Hill Nivolet. Here at the shelter a single drop. Only the black sky and strong wind. At about 18:00
usufruiamo go down and the small library of refuge for fantasizing about the various excursions and ascents to program. At 19.00 punctually serve simple but good dinner and then left the table for the second round as the hut is full of beautiful mountain climbers.
We go then to the beautiful square outside and enjoy the sight of a herd of wild goats that graze peacefully near the refuge. Let us know with two nice and preparatisimi climbers that tomorrow morning will be among the few (two of them plus two groups of 3) that will increase the North-West wall. With the help of binoculars that the manager of the refuge kindly lends him show us the way and the steps that will have to face and make us also see on the wall instead of North-East that a group of Germans will rise tomorrow, we are placed in camp out in tents on the glacier.
hear them excited about companies that have made us climb a uncontrollable desire to climb a 4,000, although of course the normal way and can easily.
I make a knot in the Gran Paradiso handkerchief ... I want to climb it.
At 22:00 we to bed even if we do not get up early. I find it hard to sleep, not so much for the share or living with 20 other people, but more to the thoughts that crowd the mind and the emotions that you must try to be on top of mountains so beautiful.
At 6:00 I get up, get down again and enjoy the view of herd of wild goats that takes advantage of the quietness of the tender shelter for grazing pastures.
shoot indefinitely or for shorter fights between the males and when they resume their climb higher in the meantime, reach out to others who have stood ready to prepare the pack, have breakfast and leave for the crossing that us expected today.
In the photo above you can see the 8 dots (3 +3 +2) which are the three groups on the rise just above the big crevasses.
At 8:00 o'clock we are traveling. We wanted to anticipate a large and noisy group that will make our own voyage. If you really want to enjoy the mountains, its views and its quiet as a guest you can not walk in a procession of strikers.
fact we manage to capture many marmots come out to bask in the sun first
e di un camoschio che per circa 1 ora ci seguirà a distanza, forse lui stesso incuriosito di noi quanto noi di lui.
La traversata dal rifugio Chabot al Rifugio Vittorio Emanuele si sviluppa mediamente a mezza costa (essendo in due rifugi pressochè alla stessa quota) perdendo circa 250m di dislivello che vanno necessariamente riguadagnati. Per tutto il tragitto, fatto sull'evidente traccia del sentiero 1a, si ha una spettacolare vista sul Gran Paradiso e sulle numerose cordate che come tante formichine risalgono i suoi ghiacciai.
Dopo circa 2h 30m riaggiungiamo il rifugio Vittorio Emanuele con la sua caratteristica forma a capanna con il tetto rivestito in lamiera.
Ne approfittiamo di un'oretta di sosta per pranzare e per vedere i primi rientri dalla vetta ed i primi arrivi per chi salirà il giorno seguente. Sembra incredibile quanta gente salga queste vette ogni giorno.
Una foto di rito prima di rimetterci in cammino e partiamo per il rientro a Pont.
Arrivati al torrente di fondo valle ancora un breve tratto quasi pianeggiante lungo il suo corso, ci porta al parcheggio di Pont. Il tutto in circa 1h 30m dal Vittorio Emanuele.
What can I say ... it was a fantastic weekend. The weather helped us, the landscape is beautiful and fascinating view of the ibex, the warmth in the shelter was nice and we go home with many memories, images and feelings that keep us company in the hot days of work ahead of us. Good
mountains at all.
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