hike Date: July 1, 2010
Departure altitude (m): 2100
Arrival altitude (m) : 2,822
height difference (m): 722
Duration: 2h 30m
Difficulty: EE
Exposure: South-East
Località partenza : Dondennaz - Parco del Mont Avic (Champorcher(Ao)-Valle d'Aosta)
Partecipanti: Io & Gianluca
In vista dei programmi estivi che mi sono messo in mente e dovendo allenarmi alla camminata e alla quota eccoci dopo una settimana di nuovo a riprovare la salita al Rifugio e Lago Miserin stavolta sapendo esattamente dove andare e con la ferma convinzione di seguire le indicazioni sentieristiche solo dopo averle controllate con la cartina.
Lasciamo quindi la macchina alla vecchia borgata di Dondennaz e saliamo in pochi minuti al rifugio Dondena.
Ecco la conferma che il cartello indicativo della scorsa settimana era sbagliato.
Ora è stato girato forse anche thanks to our report made alll'ufficio tourism.
(see the second sign from above now pointing to the first DX SX as the first and third)
Climb then to the right along the royal road leading to Col Fenetre which is also a step in the Alta Via No. 2, to the junction with the path that leads to the lake Miserin.
Here we take a left up a steep but perfectly restored path as was present at the time of the king who loved to frequent these mountains.
In short we arrive at an altitude of 2.580m on the plateau will find the beautiful and still partially frozen lake with the same name Miserin refuge and the sanctuary of Notre Dame de Neige, rebuilt in 1880 but the 1600 original.
After the classic picture rite resume the path towards Col Fenêtre.
From here the path to the hill is pretty much all still on track but well clear of snow and then proceed, always with due caution, but without any great difficulty to the hill.
From the hill we have a splendid view of both valleys and on the refuge's Dream Berdzè about 30min down the hill in the valley of Cogne.
We enjoy the wonderful sun and take advantage for a quick snack before we see the clouds in the valley bottom from rising too fast.
After 30 minutes the storm begins to rise and in order not to stay on top with poor visibility we are going to fall.
After a few steps down, this time following the royal road, to make a circular route and avoid the snowfield that begins to give up at this hour, we hear over the noise of rocks being moved.
we raise our eyes and we are lucky to see a short distance (just over 20metri) three examples of large ibex.
We stop to observe and photograph them and we wonder how we are properties in look at them and at the same time one of them stands still looking at us while the others graze peacefully.
After this meeting we continue the exciting path down just in time before the clouds finally close the view of the hills and valleys.
After a few minutes the clouds, coming below them and proceed to the refuge Dondena where we stop for a cup of hot tea while we fix in our minds the good times of the excursion today.
E 'was a wonderful trek. A wonderful day in a beautiful valley and in isolation because we have not met a soul all day were it not for three goats, the marmots and the refugee numbers on our return. Good
mountains at all.
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