Friday, March 11, 2011

Rogers Yahoo Security


Perhaps we can say that spring is coming?? These last few days were truly some beautiful sunny days and the air is slightly warmer and so turning to the market on my desk trust had these wild herbs intense flavor and very aromatic, and when I asked how they called the answer was: Borage!! Here I had heard about but had never found so far and of course I made my own, in usually prepares a rustic pie but I preferred the natural environment. Borage is a wild plant that grows in meadows and has beautiful purple flowers, star-shaped, among other things, does well to body because it contains phytoestrogens, minerals such as calcium and potassium, and omega 6 and then those who have never heard of borage oil?? Too bad that is difficult to market ... if only we could go to gather in the meadows would be wonderful. If you happen to collect them and let us this delicious cream.


Ingredients 2 potatoes 1 leek
fresh spinach do not know exactly eye
1 bunch arugula 1
pack of 40 grams of borage
Affettare il porro sottilmente, gli spinaci e la rucola. Sbucciare e tagliare a pezzetti le patate . Mettete le verdure in una casseruola,  copritele d'acqua e portate ad ebollizione. Cuocere per 20 minuti. Salare e ridurre  a crema con il minipimer, irrorare con un filo di olio evo . Suddividere nelle ciotole e cospargete con il formaggio grattugiato. 

Questa ricetta ha il colore verde della speranza, è semplice ed è preparata con un ingrediente, la borragine, che sembra regolarizzi la funzione ormonale ed è ottima per la sindrome premestruale per cui mi sembra una ricetta per bene degna di un contest per bene come questo

Since this recipe makes me think of spring I send to Ornella for her schedule in April

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Motorcycle Helmets Horns

time to the weekend forecast ... fashion!

Sometimes I like to remind you why did the book Fashion Weather.
cross and delight of respecting every Friday!
One morning, lost in city traffic, including car horns and daring overtaking not be too late at the office, I find myself listening to the results of a survey include: all women lose an average of 3 (and I say 3!) Years of their life in front of the cabinet to decide what to wear.
Why? Why waste all this time instead of going out and enjoy the day?
Our look is not right or wrong depending on how many minutes or even hours were used to decide, it's just a matter of freedom of mind, do we let our instincts, each with its own style, and certainly not wrong.
I, in my small way, I enjoy every Friday to offer some inspirational look with an eye to the weather forecast!



Tradition has it that Saturday night is typically for couples. I never loved this tradition, I have never liked the "fixed evenings," the desire of being independent is the day of the week.
But this Saturday I would suggest, however, some outfits for two!


In a Sunday bad weather, whose only references are the couch, a blanket, hot tea, a good book ... why do not you decide to leave the safety of down in favor of the elegance of the coat?!
will feel like spring?


see also the Facebook page of The Style Help