Monday, October 25, 2010

Thank You Messages For Wedding

"All animals wary man, and not without reason:
but once sure that he does not want to harm you,
their confidence becomes so absolute that we must be just
a barbarian to abuse it. "
(David Hume

Sunday, October 24, 2010

How Do I Play Pokemon On My Mac Computer

Rock Course - 3rd exit Rocks kiss

And here we are on time at the meeting at 7.30 for the exit Val Sangone kiss for the accuracy of the rocks on the road from Stone Bridge (hamlet of Giaveno- TO) port of L'Aquila Giaveno (TO).
forming machines and we are approaching Giaveno. The weather is cold and gloomy. On reaching the village of Ponte Pietra the frost sentire e vedere sui parabrezza brinati delle auto in sosta.
Arriviamo all'inizio del sentiero dove lasciamo le macchine, formiamo le cordate, ci carichiamo in spalla il materiale e siamo già sul sentiero.

Ora il sole comincia a scaldare e a farsi intravedere tra le fronde del bosco.
Ecco cosa ci voleva, una bella passeggiata di avvicinamento per scaldarci e poi farla in questo periodo in uno splendido bosco di castagni con i suoi colori autunnali , riscalda anche la mente e il cuore.
Dopo quasi 30' di avvicinamento siamo ai piedi delle pareti e ci dividiamo sui vari settori.
Oggi io sono fortunatissimo. Come istruttore mi è toccato Silvio il mitico direttore del corso.
Questo da un lato è un onore perchè I know that he must try to unravel the secrets of climbing the other side but I have to give my best and do well.

For the first warm-up we settle the area under the castle and face the street or a MR G which has a first pitch of the fourth and fifth of a second shot. After the strings trimmed
Silvio is preparing to open the way to go, and I sure do.
see him go up is a show. By the way she says Gascon each step, we should use and which holds its movements with accompanying comments increasingly enthusiastic. E 'come to rest and then it's my time.
After the first movement a little hard I start to gain confidence and overcome the first section almost without accorgemene. Certainly the level is low but I got around quite easily. I make sure to stop and expect to rise even Stephen, another student climbing partner.

We leave today for the second shot. Here the situation is tough but mentally I'm hot and have already entered into perspective and then climbing the movements are more natural, the supports for the feet and hands can identify them well. There's quite a steep step in to overcome everything in one go and I'm on top, ready to let down in two beautiful double ... the best part of climbing.

At this point we are beautiful hot and we move to the area where we do the PIERGIORGIO CORTINA one or two shots: the first to the fifth and the second of 4b.

Again nice climbing. At first, there are no grips for hands and I have to put your feet firmly to form a triangle only to keep. Then comes the step that goes beyond the technical side well in almost clinging to the large gap in style Dulfer and are stationary.
await the arrival of Stephen who begins to have pain in arms and that you always remember too late to remove the reference, and then gets stuck. After two fine urloni Silvio lose a bad habit.
Another shot with confidence and again dropped down to the base. Here

Silvio decided to split the string. Stefano sends aid instructors with Mario and Paul on a 4b and instead want to find something for me more difficult. Too bad that the law of bad driving on the streets and threw himself off as an VENTIVERSARIO 5b, but when it starts the first pitches will be aware of the difficult shots and then some salt and then decides to go down ... about driving and find that it was on 6th a + (I would say a "trickle just" above my chances).

We then throw up a year of the pig with its respectable, and ambitious for me, 5b.
I keep him safe and well I study how it moves, where he puts his hands and or feet, and especially as more than quell'inquietante roof that cuts in half the way and not allow me to see beyond. For him it is a no brainer but I already know that this is the key point of the street.
time few ruminations and Silvio had already come down roping at my side.

OK ... it's up to you Luke ... the Year of the Pig (among other things, 1971) should be ... do not worry about your wall .. it is not your problem but your arms and your legs ... your mind is already on top.

a barrel of magnesite in the hands takes away moisture, improves grip, and makes the placebo effect (it is a gesture so cool that you feel more relaxed Manolo and salts) and are in wall. The first steps
smooth flying between a crack and a niche, a cengetta and a crack but the eyes are fixed on the damn roof.
And here I am ... I'm just below the base of the roof. I have to get a good step but the hands have not taken the ... rock is smooth (or at least as I see it) and your feet are too low. I try small steps with the hands only in support ... we are now a good foot exchange, an exchange of support (bring your left foot instead of left hand) and I'm ... I'm on the balcony below the roof but not I'm standing there ... not to have to buckle down to paste the basin to the wall with their hands and go on to the roof to look for an outlet ... do not see it but here it is ... a better handle ... I focus I take breath, pull the arms and throws it back i walk on the horizontal. Labour in opposition and I go two steps ... this allows me to move further up your hands ... and they are still two steps above the roof ... so gorgeous ... drain the tension and adrenaline e sono felicissimo. Ancora qualche passo banalissimo in confronto ai precedenti e sono alla catena di sosta.
Avviso Silvio che sono arrivato, lui si complimenta con me e mi cala.

Scoprirò a fine corso che sul libretto personale di valutazione Silvio è soddisfatto dei miei progressi e indica di portarmi sul 5c...EVVAI

Ancora una via di raffreddamento prima di chiudere la giornata la facciamo sul primo tiro della CIAO CICCO nel settore Castello che è solo un 4a ma tutto di placca e visto che la roccia è umida per la pioggia che si avvicina, non è affatto da sottovalutare ma soprattutto serve a prendere ancora più confidenza con la tenuta delle scarpette che col tempo apprezzo sempre di più.

Per finish with a flourish, after the half hour walk to return to the machines you choose to snack sinoira Ponte Pietra.
is closed then the beautiful day with a glass of wine, salami, cheese and anchovies in green inevitable.

We feel the next exit. Good

Mountains all

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Calgary Ne Car Auction

Rock Course - 2 First exit Pala Armstrong

Finally we output the second ... I could not wait.
Already this week, given the bad weather, it was decided to replace the release with the release of Traversella in the gym, and gym, or at Pala Braccini Braccini street in Turin.

I must say that initially the idea of \u200b\u200blocking myself in a gym was as far removed from my imaginary but I had to change his mind. First, this is a lady gym with routes of all respect. There are many, and especially long and difficult to start and are ideal for training.
The workout in the gym is much more physical and demanding a natural way because it makes all in one go from start to finish without resting areas.

We started then with a beautiful and effecace lecture with practical demonstration of the shift of weight on his legs. This was crucial for me to learn to give grip to the shoes on the rock wall and move in more fluid. Patrick, the instructor was very good and effective to explain the movements simulating facendoceli and try to land and once on the wall and results are now beginning to see.

finally begun to get a feel for the shoes. First, I have bought two new UNN, the SCARPA TECHNO , I am learning to appreciate.
These are holding. Even in the coating remain on the wall where you put them and I do not fly off the pedi as in the previous output.

We have several avenues to reaching the 4 + and even dropped in a double for the knots and become familiar with the procedures are in insurance.

Well well. Like more and more and I can not wait for the next one goes out ... about 5. Good

mountains, more vertical at all.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Hiv Cure More Condition_symptoms

" People are starting to climb
suffers because the rules and regulations, and God
bless these people

(John Gill)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Louisiana Go Kart Shop


Where's Pikachu In Silver

Now the going gets tough ... 26 th Course of Rock CAI Uget

After savoring the" Highlands " the desire to come back is getting stronger and even more the desire to do so with more experience and awareness. That's why, after having delayed for years, I decided to enroll in a course in rock climbing.

I then joined the 26 th Course of Technology organized by the School of Rock Climbing Alberto Grosso CAI UGET of Turin.
After the first lecture on the progression, knots, rigging and insurance stops today is the first real output. From the program we had to go to Monte Bracco (CN) but since the time of the meeting, it poured, the Course Director Silvio and industry to find another location where conditions permit to climb. After
several telephone calls and consult with other instructors you decide to go to the Roches Briancon Baron ... well not just around the corner, but that wonderful surprise that arrived on site the day is wonderful and is expected to warm significantly over the period.
Another good news is that there is approaching. The wall is up to 10m from the parking area and this is not bad now that it's already 10:00

then take the ropes by the instructors, we approach the wall and began to dress up in ... so good.
After the theoretical basics of the instructor and making sure that we have well learned the maneuvers of certain nodes and he starts to open the road. I assure you and as you take salt with dimistichezza the rope and the bucket trying to memorize the steps, the holds and moves that he does.

OK ... has come to stay, he equipped and put me in touch with me safe and then leave. A final subsidiary to my 8 knot passed back and began to climb.

The first impact is traumatic. I slip the shoes on all sides. A little bit because those are very much used and very aged provided free of charge from the school and a little good because it does not load the weights and do not move as they should ... but I'll find out only later.
Using pretty much the only arms I bring to the top ... I got ... but at what cost ... if I had to take another shot would not make it any more. I make sure to

parked (I have to say that the maneuvers and the nodes are natural to me) and salt my climbing partner Elena is seen from a mile away who knows how to climb. Up like a cat, move the weight as it should and moves with such a calm and security rest on the rock that shocked ... I have things to learn.
then lowered into the room and we are at the foot of the wall.
Now that our instructor has tested our capacity is the time to correct mistakes or to teach as best as you climb up to that time it was even remotely talked about. We

other 4-way hand in hand I feel more secure even if you can not get past the 4 + (not bad for me as it is the first time ever)

Come prima impressione mi è piaciuto anche se non riesco assolutamente a fidarmi delle scarpette e questo pregiudica tutta la mia concentrazione impegnata al 100% a capire come rimanere appeso alla parete.
C'è moltissimo da imparare e poche lezioni per farlo ...devo impegnarmi al massimo.

Buone montagne a tutti.